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Here you will find exciting articles about salary value, career coaching, salary comparison and much more. wins participation in the Master Accelerator program Wins Participation In The Master Accelerator Program Wins Participation In The Master Accelerator GmbH was selected for the Master Accelerator program of German Entrepreneurship and thus takes the next step in its growth...
How to find the right job offers
How To Find The Right Job OffersHow To Find The Right Job OffersWhen you're looking for a new job, it can be a stressful and time-consuming task. However, there are several ways you can simplify and speed up your search for the perfect job. In this article, we'll give...
Can a talent scout work remotely?
Can A Talent Scout Work Remotely? Can A Talent Scout Work Remotely? What would it look like if a talent scout worked remotely? You, too, will have noticed during your time at Corona that many jobs can be done without having to be present at the company. Talent scouts...
Which is better: internal or external recruiting?
Which Is Better: Internal Or External Recruiting?Which Is Better: Internal Or External Recruiting?If you have a vacant or new position to fill in your company, then you are faced with the question of whether you should do this via internal or external recruitment....
Cost per Hire: What are the average cost of recruiting?
Cost Per Hire: What Are The Average Costs Of Recruiting?Cost Per Hire: What Are The Average Costs Of Recruiting?The average cost of recruiting, also known as cost-per-hire, is a KPI (key performance indicator) from recruiting. The KPI is calculated from the total...
Recruitment channels: The 5 individual steps in attracting top talent
Recruitment Channels: The 5 Individual Steps In Attracting Top TalentRecruitment Channels: The 5 Individual Steps In Attracting Top TalentRecruiting channels must be followed in order to attract top talent and highly qualified professionals to your company. Especially...
Recruitment activities: A building block for corporate success
Recruitment Activities: A Building Block To Company SuccessRecruitment Activities: A Building Block To Company SuccessRecruiting is one of the core activities in every company: recruiting. Not only your products and your brands make up a part of your company's...
The Job Matcher: An intelligent algorithm
The Job Matcher: An Intelligent AlgorithmThe Job Matcher: An Intelligent AlgorithmYou are a recruiter and want to quickly find the right person for a vacancy from a large number of potential candidates? Then a job matcher can help you. Similar to dating apps, a...
Putting a job profile online – this is how it works
Put Job Profile Online - This Is How It WorksPut Job Profile Online - This Is How It WorksOnline recruiting has become an integral part of human resources, but what do you have to consider when you want to put a job profile online? You have to think about the content...
Recruiting apps: Job boards on the smartphone
Recruiting Apps: Job Boards On The SmartphoneRecruiting Apps: Job Boards On The SmartphoneRecruiting apps are revolutionizing the application process. This applies not only to the outdated application folder sent by mail, but also to online applications. An email...
List of the most used job search engines
List Of The Most Used Job Search EnginesList Of The Most Used Job Search EnginesWe have already published extensive blog posts about the difference between job search engines and job boards. This post is more of a mere list. The list includes both job search engines...
How do job search engines work?
How Do Job Search Engines Work?How Do Job Search Engines Work?Are you one of those who say that a job board and a job search engine are the same thing? If that's the case, then you should read this article, because here we explain what makes job search engines...
What is a job platform?
What Is A Job Platform?What Is A Job Platform?Job platforms, or job boards, must be distinguished from pure job search engines. The latter simply search the Internet for job advertisements and use company websites, career portals, and sometimes other job search...
What salary does a product manager earn?
What Salary Does A Product Manager Earn? What Salary Does A Product Manager Earn? Product manager is a job that is in high demand, but what salary can you expect to earn if you pursue this career path? The answer is highly dependent on the industry and the design of...
Forced to work overtime – this is how you can defend yourself
Forced To Work Overtime - How You Can Defend YourselfForced To Work Overtime - How You Can Defend YourselfFirst of all, being forced to work overtime is something that should no longer exist. If you find yourself in a situation where your boss is forcing you to work...
Career development: Steep or rather flat?
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What to do when the boss takes advantage of you?
What To Do When The Boss Takes Advantage Of You? What To Do When The Boss Takes Advantage Of You? It happens again and again that bosses or managers think they can take advantage of their employees by forcing unpaid overtime or activities outside the job profile on...
Advice on career planning
Advice On Career PlanningAdvice On Career PlanningSYou have already read about career development, career planning and strategic implementation in other articles, but what about sound advice? In the article on strategic career planning, we worked out that a feedback...
Inflation Expectations 2022: What’s in Store?
Inflation Expectations 2022: What's In Store?Inflation Expectations 2022: What's In Store?For a long time, inflation was not talked about at all, but in 2022, inflation expectations have literally exploded. Everyone is talking about price increases for products such...
Strategic career planning: How does it work?
Strategic Career Planning: How Does It Work?Strategic Career Planning: How Does It Work?You have already read about the right time and the definition of goals in career planning in another article, but there is a bit more to strategic career planning. There are also...
Career Planning: What is it?
Career Planning: What Is It?Career Planning: What Is It?You get serious about career planning when you set concrete goals for your work and career path and tackle their implementation in a structured way. But before you set such goals, you should ask yourself a few...
What is the difference between job and profession?
What Is The Difference Between Job And Profession?What Is The Difference Between Job And Profession?Do you have a job or a profession? The question is not unjustified, because there is a difference between job and profession. Even though many people tend to use the...
My colleague earns more even though he does the same work
My Colleague Earns More, Although He Does The Same WorkMy Colleague Earns More, Although He Does The Same WorkIt is quite common for a colleague who does the same work to earn more. That a female colleague earns more doing the same work also happens, but is much...
Best tips for a successful salary negotiation
Best Tips For Successful Salary NegotiationBest Tips For Successful Salary NegotiationAre you facing your first salary negotiation and need tips on how to best conduct the conversation with your boss? In every professional career, such a negotiation sooner or later...
When is it time for your first raise?
When Is It Time For Your First Raise?When Is It Time For Your First Raise?You started your first job some time ago and are wondering when you may bring up the topic of salary increases for the first time? Or should you even bring it up? There's no one-size-fits-all...
The new colleague earns more – is that fair?
The New Colleague Earns More - Is That Fair?The New Colleague Earns More - Is That Fair?You have a newly hired colleague and find out that she earns more than you. Naturally, you are upset and ask yourself whether this is fair. Of course, it may be that there is...
How much more salary is there in changing jobs?
How Much More Salary Is There When Changing Jobs?How Much More Salary Is There When Changing Jobs?More salary can be a motivation for a job change, but it does not have to be the only reason. A lack of appreciation in one's own company, a job that has become stiff and...
Salary negotiation around starting salary: What is possible?
Salary Negotiation For Starting Salary: What Is Possible?Salary Negotiation For Starting Salary: What Is Possible?Usually there is no real salary negotiation about the starting salary in the first interview. Usually, only "positions" or "expectations" are exchanged....
How to calculate the hourly wage?
How To calculate The Hourly Wage?How To Calculate The Hourly Wage?Why should you calculate the hourly wage at all? Doesn't it appear on the pay slip? No, most pay slips do not show the hourly wage. But for certain comparison purposes, it is sometimes very useful to...
How and where do you find well-paid jobs?
How And Where Do You Find Well Paid Jobs?How And Where Do You Find Well Paid Jobs?Admit it, you're looking for a well-paying job too. Almost everyone is. Even though many people define other criteria for a great job - nice colleagues, exciting and fulfilling work,...
This is the salary earned by the German Chancellor
This Is The Salary Earned By The German ChancellorThis Is The Salary Earned By The German ChancellorThe salaries of well-known personalities such as the German Chancellor, business leaders, athletes and artists are often the subject of public debate. While the latter...
How much do the coaching costs actually amount to?
How Much Do The Coaching Costs Actually Amount To?How Much Do The Coaching Costs Actually Amount To?Choosing the right coaching for you also raises the question of how much you are willing to spend on coaching costs. The price or the fee of a coach can vary...
Traditional Headhunting versus AI based Headhunting in Germany
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Why Am I Being Paid Less Than My Actual Salary Value?
Why Am I Being Paid Less than my Actual Salary Value?Why Am I Being Paid Less than my Actual Salary Value?Salary value is one of the most important factors when it comes to finding a new job. It can also be one of the most divisive. There are so many reasons why...
A Step-By-Step Guide to Setting Your Salary Expectations
A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting your Salary ExpectationsA Step-by-Step Guide to Setting your Salary ExpectationsDo you want to be paid what you are worth? The first step in getting the salary that you deserve is setting an accurate expectation of what your skills are...
What are your salary expectations?
What Are your Salary Expectations?What Are your Salary Expectations?How many times have you felt the atmosphere filled with a reluctant silence when asked about your #salaryexpectations in any job interview? You may have tried to skirt your answer with some vague...
How can you effectively negotiate a pay rise?
How Can you Effectively Negotiate a Pay Rise?How Can you Effectively Negotiate a Pay Rise?Asking for a pay rise can be termed the most nerve-racking conversation you’ve ever prepared for. It’s because our society has taught us that talking about money is taboo. A...
Gender Wage Gaps: Why women are still paid less than their male counterparts
Gender Wage Gaps: Why Women Are still Paid Less than their Male CounterpartsGender Wage Gaps: Why Women Are still Paid Less than their Male CounterpartsAll around the world, it’s a commonly accepted principle of fairness that men and women should be provided with...