How It Works
Our Career Advisor gives your career the right boost!
How It Works
Our Career Advisor gives your career the right boost!
A New Way Of Job Matching And Salary Comparison
Our Career Advisor gives your professional development the right boost!
Your benefits
- Find others with similar careers and interests with just one click
- Compare your skills with those of other professionals
- Easy to understand evaluations at a glance
- Highest security for your personal data
On our platform, you can quickly compare yourself with well-paid professionals and identify optimization potential in your professional skillset. Our artificial intelligence shows you the similarities every time you call up the profile of another person. does not store any user information when you visit a profile!
Step 1
To use our smart Career Advisor free of charge, click on the button below.
You will then be taken to the login page. Here you can register for or login directly if you already have an account.
Step 2
With your registered email address and password, you can log in quickly and easily.
You can also use your LinkedIn or Google account to sign up directly.
You are not yet part of the community? Then register now for free!
Step 3 – Get Started
If you have successfully mastered the previous two steps, you can now begin. Go to our platform and compare yourself with well-paid professionals and get optimization potentials for your career path.
You will now get a comparison value and possible similarity values for each accessed profile, which you can use for your career boost.
With you can compare your salary in your industry with numerous others. You will find out what your exact salary value is and this way you can get one step higher on your career path. Register without obligation and free of charge!
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